Wednesday, October 26, 2005

dusk at villa moda

four o'clock at fashion temple villa moda. nobody around, except for us architects in our office above the gucci store and a lonely security guard. everyone home for iftar, the sun is setting. time for a walk around the temple...

and for one of jenny holzer's inflammatory essays. I found a book on her art down on the shelves of the restaurant.

destroy superabundance. starve the flesh, shave the hair, expose the bone, clarify the mind, define the will, restrain the senses. leave the family, flee the church, kill the vermin, vomit the heart, forget the dead. limit time, forgo amusement, deny nature, reject aquaintances, discard objects, forget truths, dissect myth, stop motion, block impulse, choke sobs, swallow chatter. scorn joy, scorn touch, scorn tragedy, scorn liberty, scorn constancy, scorn hope, scorn exaltation, scorn reproduction, scorn variety, scorn embellishment, scorn release, scorn rest, scorn sweetness, scorn the light. it is a question of form and function. it is a matter of revulsion.

(jenny holzer, inflammatory essays, 1979-82)


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