Friday, January 20, 2006

the rim

After a week of biking in increasingly narrow canyons, we finally climb out of the wadi, onto the Jol, the flat and desolate stone desert that separates us from the Arabian Sea. We leave our bikes on the small gravel track, and approach the rim of the canyon as a awesome scene unfolds...

Standing on the rim, the familiar string of mud towns and palm groves appears at the bottom of the canyon, in bird's eye view this time - fabulous settlement patterns in crisp colors, chrystal-clear sounds ampyfied by the canyon walls...

Stepping back from the edge of the canyon, Wadi Doan disappears into the ocean of stones. Only a couple of steps back, nothing is left of the wadi world... Click on the sequence of images above for described effect.

Slightly more contrast than what you get on an average office day - spending the morning in the palm groves of the wadi (left), and the afternoon all alone up on the stone desert (right).


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